New Online Offering.....
Calling Council~Exploring Our Ancestral Connections
With Christina MacLeod, Creative Depth Coach and Guide
“Everyone has loving and wise ancestors they can learn to call in for support and healing.” Daniel Foor, Ph.D., Ancestral Medicine
Join this online workshop to explore the myriad ways we are each connected with ancestral wisdom. This workshop is not about tracing your family lineage, but instead about sourcing ways of accessing the wise inner counsel that are present within us from a vast and more ancient knowing.
Cultivate these intimate links through guided journey and creative process. Anchor your connections through SoulCollage® or any mixed media format. Discover ways you can cultivate ongoing and meaningful relationships with those who help inform our choices and support our best destiny. Come into greater knowing of your unique gifts and talents and the patterns that influence your presence in the world.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Zoom Gathering
Cost: $40 if registered by 5/21, $49 thereafter
***Email or text Christina MacLeod, 719.371.1315, to register.
Materials list provided with registration. PayPay at
Teachings Around the Sacred Wheel
~Gathering Medicine for Challenging Times~
JOIN ME for this once-monthly, online series, held at the New Moon, to connect with our Earth allies, our wisdom sources, our Spirit guardians, and fill our medicine baskets with the guidance and inspiration our Spirit Helpers are offering.
ENGAGE with the energies of the imaginal realm through our journeys around the Medicine Wheel, ancient symbol of Ancestral wise counsel, available for the asking, during these times of challenge both now and into the future.
ALLOW your practice of creative intuitive arts inform your life with truth, hope, and remembering; images that access and reveal the wise insights you carry deeply within. Reflect. Reveal. Restore.
BECOME a vision-holder, a wisdom keeper for yourself, your beloveds, and your community.
All at the New Moon
Wednesday April 22, 2-5pm
Friday, May 22, 2-5pm
Saturday, June 20, 2-5pm
Monday, July 20, 2-5pm
Tuesday, August 18, 2-5pm
Each month will offer new practices for accessing the energies and medicines of an aspect of the Sacred Wheel, an ancient symbol of the Path to Wholeness. We will journey to discover our unique and personal sources of guidance and wisdom as we travel, engaging with the elements, animal and plant companions, and ancestral energies awaiting our arrival. Within our time together, you will be invited to journal, create collage or mixed media art, any art form that wishes to emerge from deep within your intuitive consciousness.
REGISTRATION~ You are welcome to pick and choose your dates singly or register for the entire series at a discount. Single sessions are $39. Discounted price for all 5 sessions registered together is $165. For single sessions, please register for ONLY the most upcoming date as there will be no refunds. Sessions will be recorded for reviewing or if paid and unattended.
We are gathering our personal and collective power to share, to learn, and to evolve; to consciously gather and re-source our courage, our resilience, and ourselves; to re-weave a bright and brilliant tomorrow. Join us for this dynamic journey into our next becoming.
Christina MacLeod, MA, MPH, IOSM, Certified Creative Depth Coach through Journey Path Institute, holistic practitioner, ceremonial leader, and naturalist.