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~Entering the Silence~Seeking the Mystery~


With Christina MacLeod

















AS we move into the increasing cold and darkness of this winter season, our inner reflections and ruminations invite a deeper journey inward: examining our outer circumstances and pondering the landscape within. Join us online in sacred space, exploring the inner mysteries of shadow and light, aspects of this perhaps illusive, perhaps foreboding time of year for many. What are the gifts awaiting the pilgrim who seeks to create right relationship with these seasonal energies?


IN these times of cautious distancing, what better time for coming together in Circle to explore and to share, to feed the Soul’s questing and need for engagement. Bringing light into the darkness opens our capacity to meet a future we cannot know and wakens the possibilities that will create our next reality. Through accessing intuition, we tap into the received knowing that naturally emerges from within.


            “What wise counsel is being offered to me now? What needs my attention?

            How will I create personal sanctuary to bring about a more comforting and

            nurturing season of rest and replenishment for myself? “


THESE are some of the questions we will explore through SoulCollage® art-making. A perfect medium for allowing these answers to emerge in gentle yet potent and personal ways. Join us for an afternoon of quiet play and inner exploration.






Sunday, December 6, 2020

1:00 to 4:00 pm  MT

Zoom Invitation

$35 through PayPal at                                           https:/               

Contact me by email or text to register OR text 719.371.1315

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