With the Light-Weaver Comes All Possibilities
with Christina MacLeod
Photo credit: Ivan Stern, Unsplash
Sunday, February 6, 2022, 1-4:30pm MT, Zoom
$45 to attend
JOIN me for an exploration of the Light-Weaver; she who brings unique gifts in this time of seasonal change. In the Wheel of the Year cosmology, we find ourselves at the threshold of a cross-quarter, the Northeast direction, and the universal energies of rebirth available to all who inhabit the Earth. In the ancient Celtic tradition called Imbolc, the birthing of the lambs.
Honoring the Light-Weaver within you, how are you finding navigating the darkness and feeling the Light’s gradual return? What is this transitional time offering you at this important cross-roads threshold? As the dark cycle gradually recedes, this archetypal energy symbolizes active gestation, the excitement of planting and birthing seeds called dream-seeding.
Together we will create our Winter Dream Garden, preparing the soil and planting our seeds in the landscape of possibilities. Together we will explore the themes of rebirth and awakening, opening our creative channels through somatic remembering; tapping into our organic sources of optimism and resilience. Through an art medium of your choice (collage, art journaling, or any mixed media form) we will create our Winter Dream Garden of possibilities as we welcome longer days and the first inner stirrings of Spring.
Contact Christina directly to register, through email at skyedarter@gmail.com or text